Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Java Server VM JIT compiler may create infinite loop.

I have some books on my backlog that I should have read a long time a go. One of them is Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz [1]. There's an interesting bit about volatile keyword, which I'm going to write about in this post.

JDK comes with server and client VM. Both have different JIT compilers, which perform different optimizations. Let's consider a code sample from [1] book listing 3.4.

boolean asleep;
  while (!asleep) 

Asleep is a flag that will never be modified inside of the while loop, but might be modified outside of the loop by a different thread. When starting java with JVM command line parameter -server, server JIT compiler might notice that above code will never modify asleep flag inside of the loop body. Thus it might optimize that code by taking condition test outside of the loop, turning it into infinite loop, equivalent to:

boolean asleep;
  conditionTest = !asleep
  while (conditionTest) 

I wrote that it might optimize, and not will, because there really is no guarantee when it comes to JIT compiler. And who knows if this optimization is or will be present in all versions of VM? If anyone can correct me on this, please post a comment.

Below is complete code sample that shows described optimization problem. I've ran it on 32 bit JRE (build 1.6.0_26-b03) with client and server VM (build 20.1-b02).

public class UnsafeFlag {
 // Add volatile to avoid server VM JIT compiler optimization, 
 // ie. private volatile boolean flag;
 private boolean flag;

 public void foo() {
  // When flag is not volatile and -server VM is used, JIT compiler might
  // take loop condition test outside of the loop (because flag is never 
  // modified inside of the loop body), turning it into infinite loop. 
  while (!flag) { 
   // fooing   
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  final UnsafeFlag unsafeFlag = new UnsafeFlag();
  final Thread flagChanger = new Thread(new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    unsafeFlag.flag = true;   

When above code is run with -server VM parameter, while loop is infinite on my computer. Below are (most just for the sake of experimentation and fun) ways to avoid infinite loop:

  • Use server vm but disable JIT compiler: -server -Djava.compiler=none
  • Use client vm: -client
  • Add volatile to flag: private volatile boolean flag
  • Use Actor model. Instead of changing value of the flag directly from the outside, send STOP message to the actor. Actor will then change the flag on the inside of the loop, causing loop to terminate [3] [4].

Of course a flag use like shown above is not a common sight ;), but important conclusion is that when developing we should always take into consideration on what VM our code will run in production.  For example, one might be developing server-side code, which will run on server VM. In this case, tests should also be run with java -server VM parameter.

To print JIT statistics use "-XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:-CITime" parameters. If nothing is printed, change -XX:CompileThreshold parameter. [2]

For example try running example code without volatile keyword with parameters:
"-server -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:-CITime -Djava.compiler=none"
and then with parameters:
"-server -XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:-CITime"
First test will print no statistics for FlagChanger#foo method, because JIT compiler is disabled by Djava.compiler=none parameter. Second test will print statistics if boolean IS NOT volatile and XX:CompileThreshold parameter is satisfied. 

[1] Brian Goetz. et al. Java Concurrency in Practice. Addison-Wesley, 2006.
[2] http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/vmoptions-jsp-140102.html
[3] Solution suggested by Daniel Korzekwa http://www.danmachine.com/
[4] Scala Actors: A Short Tutorial http://www.scala-lang.org/node/242